Facility management automation tool

Get your facility maintenance operation running smoothly

Streamline your inspection and audit processes with real-time cloud-based digital tools. Work faster and more efficiently – without losing data or wasting time.

Work faster and more efficiently

90% of the total lifetime investment in a facility takes place after the facility is in operation. Efficient facility maintenance management ensures that you get the most from your assets while mitigating operational and financial risks.

All too often, maintenance crews operate with pen and paper or disconnected digital solutions. As a consequence,

  • time is wasted on error-prone transcription or copy-pasting
  • issues are not reported in a timely manner
  • data is lost, and
  • you risk incurring downtime cost or dealing with dissatisfied users.

With LetsBuild, everything happens in the cloud. Forms and checklists help inspection crews perform their work in a standardised and efficient way, and instant communication aids collaboration and speed of action.

Instead of wasting endless hours working with paper work orders, your maintenance team receive their orders on their mobile devices and report status directly from site. Everything is synchronised and management have a clear overview of all routine inspections, audits and compliance activities.

What’s more – streamlined, lean maintenance processes minimise Muda waste, supporting a sustainable environment for all.

“We often had subcontractors arriving on site and not getting any work done because the previous tasks haven’t been completed. With LetsBuild, we have visibility of project progress. So if there is going to be a delay, we let them know a week beforehand.”

Matt Ghinn

Project Director, VolkerFitzpatrick

Manage external partners in maintenance operations in LetsBuild for maximum ROI

Audit made easier and guaranteed compliance

Inefficient audit and assessment procedures are time-consuming and can be error-prone, which increases risk.

  • This applies to all audits and assessments, both
  • Technical installation and infrastructure
  • External and internal
  • Planned and emergency

And whether the audit or assessment is performed by site management, the HSE responsible, Quality Assurance, or a control body.

Whatever the situation, the time it takes to perform an audit is an important factor in ensuring timely reporting and action. But in a case of an emergency, it becomes even more important that the audit or assessment can be carried out quickly and efficiently.

Also, transcribing notes taken with pen and paper is not only time-consuming, it may also be inaccurate and cause delays in actioning any observations or incidents.

The resulting risk and quality issues can be a detriment to any organisation. But with LetsBuild, your audit and compliance processes can run smoothly in one cohesive process.

  • Save valuable time
  • Benefit from electronic signatures, ensuring fast action and traceability
  • Field reports and punch lists are quickly generated and shared using mobile devices
  • Ensure that punch lists are followed up until purged
  • Reduce risk and administrative work

Customer example:

At the European Parliament, maintenance operations are carried out in LetsBuild, improving operational performance and ROI.

  • 25 different lists in use
  • More than 75,000 registrations created
  • More than 250 reports generated

“With LetsBuild we have completely defined our processes to maximize ROI using LetsBuild solutions in a multi-site context and with the important need to manage external partners in maintenance operations.”

Laurent Delbecque

Project Manager, EU parliament

Optimize performance with ISO dashboards & KPIs

ISO certification and compliance requires ongoing monitoring of the adherence to established processes. In order to sustain a stable ISO environment, it is important to have clear KPIs and always up-to-date dashboards.

With our custom built dashboards and KPIs, you get a management cockpit that allows you to quickly spot non-conformities and issues, quickly see the impact they have and act to rectify them using digitalised processes.

Not only does this ensure that you stay ISO compliant, you will also see that your organisation will become more efficient, reducing Muda waste and producing more with the same FTE.

  • Save valuable time
  • Benefit from electronic signatures, ensuring fast action and traceability
  • Field reports and punch lists are quickly generated and shared using mobile devices
  • Ensure that punch lists are followed up until purged
  • Reduce risk and administrative work

Our guidance, from implementation to success

In order to optimise the benefits of the implementation of Letsbuild Aproplan, our consultants can support you for the whole project life cycle. 

Our project delivery approach is based on the framework of People – Processes – Tools.


  • Getting people onboard and supporting the roll-out is the key to success.
  • Our experts will assist you to train and onboard your users, to manage change & adoption, and to provide support during & after the implementation.


  • Digitisation is always about improving and standardising processes.
  • Our consultants will assist you to assess, document, optimise and standardise your processes, your reporting & KPIs dashboards.


  • Aproplan is a user-friendly Saas solution which can be configured to optimise the user experience. Data migration and integration with legacy systems is also often required.
  • Our experts will assist you to configure Aproplan, to structure and migrate your data, and to setup API integration when needed.

LetsBuild can be integrated with:

Streamline your facility inspection and audit processes with LetsBuild
